Rainbows Unlimited

Looking for Vanished Twin Metaphysical Stories


dreams-mirrorI am collecting metaphysical/paranormal/spiritual single twin stories for a new book I am writing on the subject.  Althea Hayton’s work focused on the psychological implications of sharing the womb, and Dr. Charles Boklage has focused on the physical implications, but I haven’t seen any work focusing on the metaphysical/paranormal/spiritual implications.

I have a good deal of personal experience in this arena, and in the course of my VTP work I have communicated with scores of single twins about a wide range of “anomalous” twin-related phenomena.  I have decided therefore to explore this area more deeply in this new work, which I hope to make available in the Spring of 2016.

If you have had any of the following experiences (or any others I haven’t thought of) –
I would really appreciate you sharing them with me.  If you can separate your stories into these categories, it would be helpful.


  • Dreamtime encounters with your twin
  • Telepathic communication with your twin
  • Situations in which your twin assisted or protected you in some way
  • “Seeing” your twin  (consciously, dreams, ghost, apparition)
  • Any type of information “download” you felt came from your twin
  • Saw a UFO or ET which was somehow connected to your twin
  • Saw your twin during a near-death experience
  • Any experience with an “imaginary friend”
  • Awareness of a past-life connection with your twin
  • Vision anomalies (sparkly lights, other dimensions)
  • Pre-conception memories of creating a life plan
  • Memories of your twin “in utero”
  • Feeling of sharing the same body with your twin
  • Physical sensations or feelings of your twin’s presence
  • Physical anomalies associated with your twinship
  • How the awareness of your twin has affected your life
  • Expanded psychic abilities
  • A strange experience staring in the mirror


Mother’s of womb twins

  • Knew in some way when the twin left
  • Communication with the vanished twin before, during or after the loss
  • Knew when you were pregnant before pregnancy was confirmed
  • Any anomalies around the pregnancy – physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually
  • Saw a UFO before, during or after pregnancy
  • How has the twin loss affected you spiritually

By submitting your story, you consent to its use in the new book.  All identities will be kept confidential.

Email your stories to me at Caryl@RainbowsUnlimited.com

Thank you for your participation in this effort to help womb twins and all those who need this information.
